REMINDER: ANZAC visit at Brayshaw Pk. Tuesday 15th April, leaving school at 9am.
Transport: Mrs Petrie, Mrs Martin, Mrs Sharpe, Mr R, Mrs Sloper (need one more).
Destination Marlborough
The students have worked hard and produced some amazing videos/advertisements promoting Marlborough.
They are currently being loaded onto their google drives for you to view. Ask your child to sign in and have a look! (At the moment we're having trouble uploading them onto the blog).
Parent Interviews. Thanks for meeting with me and discussing your child's progress. As a follow up you may want to have a look at the documents called 'Supporting your childs learning'. Click on the link below.
Homework - apologies that homework has not come home over the past two weeks, we'll be right back into it at the start of next term. (reminder, Teacher Only Day on Monday 14th April).