
Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Water Filter experiment

Science:  Today we investigated which materials make the best filters.  We followed the Scientific process:  Question, Hypothesis, Procedure, Test (fair testing) and conclusion. 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Camp term 4

Mistletoe Bay Camp 2014
November 18-21

Hi, we are all excited about our camp to Mistletoe Bay next term.  
 While on camp we will experience the following,
·       A variety of water and land based activities                 
·       An instructor from the Heritage Centre will teach the students about the local history and native plants and animals of the area.
·       Compass and Photo Orienteering
·       Kayaking
·       Optimist sailing (weather dependent)
·       An important aspect of the camp will be the development of self-confidence, leadership and communication skills.

The camp fees are  $130 (due 2 weeks before camp).  Drip-fed payments can be set up through Mrs Nelson in the office.
More detailed information including permission/health slips, camp parent helpers, transport etc, will be sent out later this month.